What is a man?
I… I am a man, or so they tell me. But what, pray tell, is a man? Or a woman for that matter, in truth, I mean. If either be…
I… I am a man, or so they tell me. But what, pray tell, is a man? Or a woman for that matter, in truth, I mean. If either be…
I fell in love with a tree today. Proposed. I did. She said, “Yes, but… only if you embrace and entwine our roots so as to truly inhabit and live…
I have a question for my men friends. Have you every yet made love with a sweet dark-eyed Mule Deer doe? Have you felt the way she looks turning toward…
“The insecure way is the secure way.” — Joseph Campbell [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/262980211″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Might it be possible that by our very use of the word creative,…
Hello Family, Friends and Colleagues. This is the web version of an email you may have recently received. I bring the greetings of our changing season and notice of a…
This is a guest post from my partner in creativity and learning and adventure, Cheryl Slover-Linett. Her original blog post can be found here. Until recently I felt I wasn’t…
“I was afraid we might starve, you dad gave back so much of his salary to the Church. If he was going to ask the members to tithe, he figured…