Children of the great Mystery — All
I am a child of you, Stars and Sun,
of you, Fire, spark and flame of my life
in every cell of my body
That I Am
I am a child of you, Stars and Sun,
of you, Fire, spark and flame of my life
in every cell of my body
That I Am
I have an affinity for the unseen natures of our world. Things like tree roots surfacing briefly catch my attention for how it is they navigate like serpents of the…
Dare I plead to the godsno more life transforming giftsenough is enoughPlease! For where might such a protective plea leave meand just because I cannot from here knowwho I will…
I would tell you I did not ask for this gift but that is not precisely true Far more accurate I suppose is that I did not trust Life enough…
MY AWAKENING EYES I. I walked out the door of the house this morningand in my face just like thatthere was the whole gosh darn universeinhaling with a great hunger…
Who are you? The world asked of me when I was yet too young to have found my voice could not escape lips opened and sound, like breath was not…
I took a walk today wandering game trails faintly worn traveling deep into the forest where beings of ancient ages live centuries old some others—uncounted thousands I do pause at…