There is Something Wrong with Here
I returned to the pleasure of
a snuggle while the tea seeped
thinking too of the invitation’s return
“You’re scratchy,” she tells me now
I returned to the pleasure of
a snuggle while the tea seeped
thinking too of the invitation’s return
“You’re scratchy,” she tells me now
Flesh of my Flesh
Bone of my Bone
Spirit of my Spirit
weave Wholeness and Beauty
from the threads of my fragments
This is a story of identity that can be rewritten in each of our spirits, minds and bodies as we come to experience and know and identify our self—with Life itself, with nature. Inherent within this new-yet-ancient story is a biognosis, the moist intimate wisdom-knowledge of Life, of our place within it. It is a story that each of us must claim for ourselves if we are to know and embody the birthright of our own belonging and the resiliency of nature as our own.
Your deep true Self
Arises out of, and is itself
Nothing less than wonder
mystery and awe, the stillness
and the silence
From which you run
This ‘wild’ creative spontaneity that lies innately within our deepest reality, this is the profound mystery of which our wholeness is woven, unbroken; this is our wild resiliency. It offers us a path back to the experience and knowledge of innate belonging and wholeness…
The essential movement of rewilding the self is the turning toward Life, what I have come to call biotropism. This is no small feat of orienteering…
The nails of my fingers
leave claw marks
in the soil of life
from my clinging on
to what is familiar
and comfortable and no longer
serves that which is awakening