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Navigating the Narrows

the heart of resiliency

This is the heart of resiliency. It looks and behaves differently in each of us and at different times in our lives and in history itself. It’s grounding however is in loyalty to the love of Life, and in the courage required to find a voice of our own in affirmation of a wild joy and wisdom within.

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Our Hunger for Nature

The theme this year for both events is, Aspen’s Ancient Wisdom: An Inquiry Into The Heart of Resiliency. We’ll weave a provocative and inspiring poetic tapestry in both events, speaking the languages of poetry, ecology, biology, resiliency science, psychology, mythology and just a dash of quantum physics for spice.

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Army to Train Soldiers to Cope with Emotions

“The idea here is to give people a new vocabulary, to speak in terms of resilience. Most people who experience trauma don’t end up with P.T.S.D.; many experience post-traumatic growth.”… Perhaps the biggest question — can an organization that has long suppressed talk of emotions now open up?

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