Yearly Archives:


Enhancing Resiliency Through Nature: Part 1

Spending time in natural settings is clearly a life-affirming path to strengthening our resilience. Research confirms that as little as 15 or 20 minutes a day can make a significant difference in your life, not only in your sense of vitality but also in your social intelligence. Consider what two, three or more days in a wild setting might do!

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A Father’s Lessons on Living and Dying

Through the grace of the stroke Boyd became a man who ‘lost his God.’ Boyd lost his theology. His religion. His beliefs. His need to posses the Truth. A certain kind of resiliency in Boyd was broken and…he found his heart…. It was as if the covers to Boyd’s Bible had fallen open in such a way as to break the books very spine, and he managed somehow to walk out of the story of his One and Only True God.

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I am afraid of Beauty!

I caught myself experiencing what I recognized within as a ‘fear of beauty,’ was the myriad of ways in which I saw this playing out through my life. The fear of connecting with people (not just beautiful women), a fear of joy… a fear of living fully… and a fear of death too. For surely in death there is beauty as well.

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