When Water Comes Home — Friends of Magarini Call, Sunday July 3rd
Hello Dear Friends,
We are living in such challenging times and I hope this email finds you well. And I want to invite you to join me for a Zoom call, Friends of Magarini Children Center and Organic Demonstration Farm with Emmanuel Karisa Baya, this Sunday, 7/3/22. Times are 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 12PM ET, 6PM Dresden and 7PM Kenya. Here is the link info for the call:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83494445754?pwd=hKp-hItwX8f7ilmyHi2Qqc-KTZRVef.1
Meeting ID: 834 9444 5754
Passcode: 274147
Gratefully, recent rains at the Centre have allowed for the planting of crops and with the fortune of continuing rains, children at the Centre will again be eating food they have helped to grow. The global destabilization of historical weather patterns brings increasing food insecurity to many, and yet with the desired addition of a second water well (bore hole), solar pump and irrigation system, the Centre can once again be a model of regenerative agriculture and food self-sufficiency.
As Sharon/Sage Emery, International Peace Group, noted in a powerful recent email, “…Over the last year and a half we have raised between $3500 and $6000 every three months. If they had irrigation we would not have to do this. Problem is that the food is an emergency. If we raised the money for the irrigation now it would prevent this issue….. (You can access the full June 14th email/newsletter here: https://wildresiliency.com/sharon-sage-emorys-june-14th-magarini-centre-email/.)
Whether you have personally donated recently or not, your care makes a difference. Your willingness to look at such needs in our world with the eyes of your heart open, makes a difference; for in this your spirit is inviting in ’the more beautiful world’ we desire to create together. Please join us for Sunday’s Friend’s call if you can and learn more of what is currently happening at the Centre and share in the spirit of inspiration these calls bring.
For ease, here is a link to the International Peace Group from where all funds go to the Centre: https://www.internationalpeacegroup.com/magarini-childrens-centre-organic-demo-farm/ . One World Dresden’s donation portal for the Centre is here: https://oneworlddresden.de. And the Centre’s web site is here: https://magarini-centre.org
Finally, on a brief but more personal note, these have been very challenging times for me as both Dotty and I navigate health issues and the times we are in. And still, I and we are deeply blessed and live in gratitude. I share the poem below from this spirit, as it came to me yesterday while I thought of the Centre and of my original meeting with Emmanuel in 2015. You can read more of that meeting on my blog, here: Watching this video will move and inspire you.
Some life, as we know it here on Earth, can live without air or light or soil… but no life we know of lives without water. Meeting Emmanuel for me was like two raindrops recognizing themselves in the eyes of the other. I have been blessed to meet many of you personally through our Friend’s Calls. And whether we have met personally or not, I know some form of this recognition is the source of the amazing generosity you offer the children of the Centre… and your support of the living message spiraling out from there: Peace from the Soil. I share this poem from that same spirit, and hope to see you on Sunday!
in celebration of our diversity and Oneness,
larry glover
When water comes home it is like looking into the glassy surface of quite lake waters and seeing one’s face for the first time with a recognition of deep identity that knows no separation Just imagine if one raindrop repelled another rather than the nature of two drops being to attract each other into a larger One and merge again and yet again until rivulets of rainwater flow into creeks and streams and then rivers flow into oceans where — by the grace of evaporation — misty molecules rise to become all manner of shapes and rainbow hues afloat above our heads as constellations of airy water Perhaps to drift earthwards by the desire of gravity individual ‘no-two-alike’ geometrical snowflake wonders— water frozen for some brief time without hint that such a one might ever come home to the self-recognition of eyes looking into the mirror of another’s and knowing — just knowing in the oceanic depths of their being this feeling of water coming home to itself

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