Soul Renewal Wilderness Retreat!
OK, I’ve been taking what feels like a lot of personal risks lately as I try to step yet more fully into unbridling and being Larry Glover, an aspiring human, living on the North American continent of planet Earth, a small planet circling a smallish star we call Sun, somewhere in the outer reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy, but one of uncountable such systems in the Universe, which we now suspect might actually be but one expression of a yet larger Multiverse. Whatever that is, or isn’t.
It is a BIG world. And the challenges of showing up, of being real and authentic and true to one’s self are not lessening. Political candidates and corporations and…everyone seems to want a piece of your attention. Increasingly too, the neurological science arrayed by interests who would direct if not control your beliefs, emotional moods and buying behaviors, are beyond our common imagination.
Then there are the pressures of daily living. Too many people ‘trying to make a living,’ as if that is our highest purpose in this Mystery we live in. What ever happened to that deep joy that brings you alive in this moment? That gratitude practice you promised yourself to cultivate? The fundamental values you swore yourself to live your life by? And how about your vision of who you desire to be and how you crave to show up in the world?
Sometime we just need to call in our soul and spirit and remember who we really are. What matters to us. Reclaim purpose and meaning from a culture that has lost it way and desperately needs the aliveness and vibrancy that comes from intimacy with the root and source of our life inspiration.
We need your joy and fun and laughter and play and sweat and work and creativity and community. It might be a BIG world but we’re a tiny planet in an era of great challenge and great opportunity. Claiming time to renew and regather and resource our deep identity is vital to our self-care in such times; and a beautiful setting in nature with a supportive, structured and intentional environment can provide just the nourishment your soul desires at this time.
“The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.”
— John Muir
Join us for a Soul Renewal Wilderness Retreat, September 16-20, 2015, Santa Fe, NM. As co-hosts, Lead Feather and the Wild Resiliency Institute are into our third year sponsoring this engaging event. I’ve hosted such events for over twenty years with folks from over twenty nationalities.
My hosting partner, Cheryl Slover-Linett, is a successful entrepreneur, has a deep background as a social science researcher and in business leadership, and likewise in outdoor leadership. Plus, you won’t find a more heart connected guide to help you navigate your customized nature-inspired soul retreat.
We’ll also be joined by our friend and Native American Oneida elder, Van Archiquette, who travels with his delightful presence, sparkling eyes, quick smile and deep wisdom.
You can contact Cheryl or myself, when we’re not out and about wandering through some forest or down some river or….leading some other group of beautiful folks on a learning journey adventure into nature and our Selves. You can also learn about other opportunities for engagement here, including a cultural immersion and exploration into Canyon de Chelly.
We look forward to hearing from you if you’d like to explore this opportunity for calling into your life the renewal of soul and spirit we all need to remember.
And that’s why I took the risk of stepping in front of the camera and posting this video. It’s challenging being a camera-shy guy in the age of social media, plus being a recovering perfectionist, a part-time judgmentalist and fundamentalist. I am however, a man whose life is saved and inspired by a love of Nature… and that too, is why I took the risk of making and sharing this video.
The gift of taking appropriate risk is that it brings us more alive. So however you do it, take the risk of calling in your soul and spirit. Your joy will thank you for it.
Soul Renewal Journey 2015 brochure
Larry Glover is a permitted service provider with the Santa Fe National Forest.
John Lawrence
07/29/2015 at 5:28 pmOne of these days I hope to join you on such a journey. I, as so many in this world today, need to take a moment to reconnect through nature to my original self. Hope all is well with you guys!
Larry Glover
07/29/2015 at 6:20 pmIt would be an honor to have you join us, John. I’ll look forward to sharing the time. And I hope and trust all is well with you and your family too. Thanks for taking the time to comment.