Photo from a recent Meditation in Nature Retreat co-hosted with Cheryl Slover-Linett, of
I go to the mountains to pray
from within the one rooted
oneness of the Aspen Body
and from the temple where singing waters emerge
Born gurgling out from under a granite bolder
protector of the Mother’s womb of darkness below
while nearby two creeks join as one
amplify the sacred medicine of this holy incarnation
Where the entire world can be touched
felt and held in the One Heart
that honors diversity and differentiation
yet knows no separation
Here I drink from the Waters of Life
lay offerings of gratitude
and beseech of Forest
Teach me
For I yearn to learn
to perceive the thread
of the One Root of Love
weaving the world into Wholeness
Upon uttering this prayer
a gentle breeze kisses my cheek and makes visible
the play of sun and shadow upon dancing threads
of a spiders delicate web but feet in front of my face
My heart opens — awe and love converge and spill forth
as Spider comes forth to speak
Be Still
with the innate wholeness
of your original body
for your life and prayers depend
upon your willingness
to sing your self
and the World anew into being
rooted into the Tree of Life
as One
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