Dreaming of Thrivability
It is 2 AM. I am in a Holiday Inn Express in Denver, CO. I have come here by invitation to become acquainted with colleagues from The Omega Point International,…
It is 2 AM. I am in a Holiday Inn Express in Denver, CO. I have come here by invitation to become acquainted with colleagues from The Omega Point International,…
This Self seeking birth is, I believe, the experience and knowledge of our Wholeness. We are not separate. We belong. To gift our selves with such love as this? This is the most radical political or spiritual act any of us can commit!
My friend Marc Choyt, The Circle Manifesto blog, recently posted a question to my first Varieties of Resilience post, The Resiliency of a Victim, asking what the keystone of my…
Cosmogenesis is Alive and Well! is the third Wild Resiliency Assertion. The cosmos is yet birthing itself. Life is an emergent manifestation out of a Great Unknown, one all names…
There is a River of Life arising out of the Deep Silence that gives birth too to Deep Time. We ourselves are born out of this Ground of our Being…
The Strong Eye of Shamanism; A Journey into the Caves of Consciousness Robert E. Ryan, Ph.D. Inner Traditions. 1999. Dr. Ryan takes us on a journey into the Paleolithic caves…
May it be so? May it be so That we may know the waters of life And the tree of life are One That those waters flow in our veins…