Call Me Brother
Call me brother if you are born of a mother Call me brother but not lightly Call me brother in mutual honor Call me brother if you will hear my…
Call me brother if you are born of a mother Call me brother but not lightly Call me brother in mutual honor Call me brother if you will hear my…
Until a man has hung suspended by the North Star naked and upside down then buried and eaten by worms and been born again into milkweed and monarch into wild…
I confess to being baffled by the challenges of meeting and engaging with the human world these days. I’ve held back in allowing my creative expressions to flow freely and…
Out beyond identities of Democrat and Republican and Independent Out beyond affiliations of Tea Party and Occupy movements Out beyond the economics of privilege and lack Further out beyond the…
when all of right mind are asleep
and Awareness and Presence and Silence
wonder through and among tall ancient forest trees
and stalk bedrooms across the lands
like a divine trinity
whispering secrets to whoever will listen
sprinkling the magic of Awe into the eyes of children
The nails of my fingers
leave claw marks
in the soil of life
from my clinging on
to what is familiar
and comfortable and no longer
serves that which is awakening
And that letting go of all one knows
honoring the willingness and courage
to not know — to at last not name and define
to cease reading the maps drawn by those
who live under the spell of answers and knowing
and trust at last…