Sleeping with Rumi: Two Kinds of Resilience
It is true. I slept with Rumi last night. Yes. It is true too that he wears a beard and that after a January’s week of being alone in a…
It is true. I slept with Rumi last night. Yes. It is true too that he wears a beard and that after a January’s week of being alone in a…
The World is my teacher filtered through eyes memories and emotions attitudes moods and beliefs conscious and unconscious rigidities and flexibilities of body and heart and spirit and vision… and…
Woke in the dark thickness of night hearing the call my soul… my heart “Get up! Wake up!” gently but urgently repeats Until I sit now Breathing Listening Cat a-purr…
The potency of our worldviews is part and parcel of the wild resiliency keystone process, The Power of Arrival — A Self in the World. What I like about the…
OK, I’ve spent enough of my life orienting toward fear and perfectionism that occasionally I realize the only way through such predatory energy lies in the cauldron of their fires….
There is a great Ground of Being a Mystery of Being into which a Self is born. An ego forms so individuation, differentiation and separation so the tensions of polarity…
Many a self I have known and been. Some were friendly or even loving to me and some downright hostile, and some too, indifferent perhaps but present just the same….