One Coffee Shop Lady Told Another…
Your deep true Self
Arises out of, and is itself
Nothing less than wonder
mystery and awe, the stillness
and the silence
From which you run
Your deep true Self
Arises out of, and is itself
Nothing less than wonder
mystery and awe, the stillness
and the silence
From which you run
Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly,
kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably…
On this Memorial Day weekend, ReWild your Self! Be a memorial to your own innate wholeness and to the Earth. Choose to listen to the song of your own plasticina. Notice where you place your attention, and how you attend to your own self-care. Love yourself. It is the most radical political and spiritual act of our time.
The Heart and Science of Resiliency in Turbulent Times… workshop was enthusiastically received…
Thus it is I live more wholly in the un-knowing of an open mind and an open heart, for surely their gentleness and their wild resilience is like that of water, saying “Yes!” to all it encounters. Imagine a world where corporate and national sustainability policies were informed by the wild intelligence and un-knowing of water!
“Do one thing!” desperation urges me
“One thing,” as if that single act
must change my life
One thing, with presence
Stillness, listening to the deep silence, is one portal into the realization of this reciprocal nature of our being. It is an exit ramp out of the noise of confusion….