Rising Up—Together
RISING UP—TOGETHER I I see you Oh you little man because I have one in me too though you sit in the highest office of the land a bully now…
RISING UP—TOGETHER I I see you Oh you little man because I have one in me too though you sit in the highest office of the land a bully now…
Watching this video will move and inspire you “The wind shapes the trees and the trees shape the wind,” my new friend said to me as we sipped our coffee…
Two simple and yet profound strategies to increase the resiliency of any team or person.
In this terrible crisis of the Deepwater oil gusher is the telling of a story of war against our very selves that is collapsing in upon itself. This story mirrors to us the many ways our lives, life styles and very identities are currently configured for self-destruction.
Mirrored to us as well is yet an older story: Life’s invitation to itself once again to experience a transformation of identity. This is the path of the upward spiral of resilience. And it is ours personally to claim as birthright—as we each hear the awakening within.
So say, “Yes!” to Life. Within this affirmation is the awakening power of our transformation.
Thus it is I live more wholly in the un-knowing of an open mind and an open heart, for surely their gentleness and their wild resilience is like that of water, saying “Yes!” to all it encounters. Imagine a world where corporate and national sustainability policies were informed by the wild intelligence and un-knowing of water!
This is the heart of resiliency. It looks and behaves differently in each of us and at different times in our lives and in history itself. It’s grounding however is in loyalty to the love of Life, and in the courage required to find a voice of our own in affirmation of a wild joy and wisdom within.
The opening of the heart is always wild! We never know where it might lead for such vulnerability is always a transformational unfolding of the Self.