Nature's Path to Your Soul?
…there’s a world of renewal just outside your door, and a host of plants and animals available to help you find your way back to your peace, your joy, your roots.
…there’s a world of renewal just outside your door, and a host of plants and animals available to help you find your way back to your peace, your joy, your roots.
…grounded in the reality of Life’s reciprocity and its consequent preference for strategies of mutualism. Mutualism is an evolutionary symbiotic strategy of wellness, hardiness and wholeness that can incorporate both competitive and cooperative hinging between species and individuals, resulting in ‘mutual benefit.’
And that letting go of all one knows
honoring the willingness and courage
to not know — to at last not name and define
to cease reading the maps drawn by those
who live under the spell of answers and knowing
and trust at last…
“…Google search for soul medicine for our time. First hit up is tweetmeme, which is a compendium of the “hottest links on twitter”… That means it’s started to go viral.”
Can twitters help a tree… help ourselves? It’s a social experiment.
The theme this year for both events is, Aspen’s Ancient Wisdom: An Inquiry Into The Heart of Resiliency. We’ll weave a provocative and inspiring poetic tapestry in both events, speaking the languages of poetry, ecology, biology, resiliency science, psychology, mythology and just a dash of quantum physics for spice.
Hence it is quite credible that the presence of a feline animal in large numbers in a district might determine, through the intervention first of mice and then of bees, the frequency of certain flowers in that district! — Darwin