Everyone can use more tangerines and kisses
Pissy moods come and go. Everyone can use more tangerines and kisses.
Pissy moods come and go. Everyone can use more tangerines and kisses.
I returned to the pleasure of
a snuggle while the tea seeped
thinking too of the invitation’s return
“You’re scratchy,” she tells me now
This is a story of identity that can be rewritten in each of our spirits, minds and bodies as we come to experience and know and identify our self—with Life itself, with nature. Inherent within this new-yet-ancient story is a biognosis, the moist intimate wisdom-knowledge of Life, of our place within it. It is a story that each of us must claim for ourselves if we are to know and embody the birthright of our own belonging and the resiliency of nature as our own.
…in meditative brevity he provocatively invites us to consider and witness what it is to be human, fully and wholly human, absent the wall of separation from Life. He is playing with our identity, with our awareness of what it means to be human. He would have us remember our wholeness, to live into its unanswerable mystery.
Spending time in natural settings is clearly a life-affirming path to strengthening our resilience. Research confirms that as little as 15 or 20 minutes a day can make a significant difference in your life, not only in your sense of vitality but also in your social intelligence. Consider what two, three or more days in a wild setting might do!
Your deep true Self
Arises out of, and is itself
Nothing less than wonder
mystery and awe, the stillness
and the silence
From which you run
On this Memorial Day weekend, ReWild your Self! Be a memorial to your own innate wholeness and to the Earth. Choose to listen to the song of your own plasticina. Notice where you place your attention, and how you attend to your own self-care. Love yourself. It is the most radical political and spiritual act of our time.