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3 The Power of Arrival

Wild Resiliency blog 2010 in review and looking ahead

OK, I’ve hesitated to post the 2010 year in review provided for this blog by, being the kind of guy who can shy away from attention…and I’ve decided to share it. In part so I can find it again for my own analysis, and I’m happy they give the blog a ‘Wow’ score. It’s higher than I’d give it so I”m looking ahead and thinking of directions and future posts and…

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From Tragedy to Triumph: Resiliency Inspirations for the Journey

“They rarely saw themselves as victims. Instead, they focused on one of two great skills: creativity or the ability to connect to others.”
It is in numerous nuggets such as this that the book finds its practical applications, beyond serving as inspiration. We all find ourselves in need of inspiration at times, and studying the lives of those who have found their way through the extremes of adversity is a worthwhile and enlightening way to rediscover it. The book leaves me feeling, “If they can do it, I can too!”

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When Neurobiology and Culture Conflict: Finding Our Way From Here

This is a story of identity that can be rewritten in each of our spirits, minds and bodies as we come to experience and know and identify our self—with Life itself, with nature. Inherent within this new-yet-ancient story is a biognosis, the moist intimate wisdom-knowledge of Life, of our place within it. It is a story that each of us must claim for ourselves if we are to know and embody the birthright of our own belonging and the resiliency of nature as our own.

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