True Confessions—Two Beating Hearts Drumming as One
I heard tell last night
from a woman who lives in my heart
the two of you were talking
and discovered you each know me
“I think he would say he loves me”
you said with laughter to this other heart of mine
Well henceforth let there be no mistake
I have heard your prayers
rising along with the sweet smell of cedar
growing out of the womb of darkness in the sweat lodge
where only rocks glowing yellow and red and orange
give off light like a full moon
Only the rocks and the spirits
who gather there give off light
and I have seen the light of your spirit
glowing in the stillness living in the moonless night
and in your eyes too across the table over tea
where I felt and saw the naked vulnerability of your heart
So yes I do love you
you tall lanky beautiful Being of awake femininity
dressing for a time in a woman’s body
But perhaps you have noticed
how I do love to love and appreciate the feminine
whether seen in the dividing crotch of a tree’s trunk or perhaps
in a Madonna scar in the bark of an Aspen
or in the dark opaque depths of a doe’s eyes fixed on my own
I can see such feminine beauty seemingly almost anywhere
It moves and inspires my spirit and body to craving
to an opening of the heart in the way I see and sense and know
Earth as mother—and as lover too
Such alluring mystery seduces with pleasure and joy and wonder
the noticing masculine in me
calling forth the rising
the attention of an ancient primal maleness within
desiring the preservation
the protecting
the honoring
of this soft and allowing—perceptive and fierce feminine within
uniting the regenerative and rebirthing polarities of Life
inviting too my soul and spirit into a sacred marriage
The holding of two beating hearts drumming as One
receiving and releasing — listening and speaking…
in service of the wholeness of Life
Notes & Reflections:
This piece is dedicated to all the incredible women in my life. I love each of you. You are teachers for me. Let us continue to awaken together.
*Photo credit to Mark Jensen, with gratitude also for many a shared wander among the aspens in what we came to call, the Goddess Grove. I feel called to an appreciation of the feminine throughout my wanders in the wild but no where more frequently than when deep within an aspen grove.
There are ecological reasons for the rush to plunder ‘the last great natural resources’ from our old growth forests, the last wild places resting over bodies of oil and coal, the last large fish from the seas…; wounded men living in a world view of separation from nature do not know they plunder joy and wonder and belonging from their children’s future or from their own spirits and souls.
A conscious celebration of the sacred feminine and of its rising again into collective consciousness, in balance with the sacred masculine, is medicine for our times. It is an antidote to the dispair and paralysis and numbing of what can feel like such overbearing news from climate disruption to mass human migration and endless war and petty power plays by wounded insecure men….
So explore and celebrate these two polarities of your own being, and let me know something of your journey if you will. Namaste.
Robin Easton
01/27/2019 at 1:21 pmDearest Larry, I’ve read this whole piece several times and hardly know where to start. There are so many layers to this, layers upon layers of richness, beauty, wisdom. The whole piece is truly compelling.
Your “Notes and Reflections” are as stunning as your poem. This brought tears to my eyes, dear soul: “…wounded men living in a world view of separation from nature do not know they plunder joy and wonder and belonging from their children’s future or from their own spirits and souls.”
Your tender, passionate, exquisite expressions here are profoundly, utterly human, revealing a beautiful man and his piercingly alive soul, revealing fundamental truths of our times, revealing a heart willing to be vulnerable, revealing an abysmal depth of wisdom and ability for emotion…and owning those emotions, revealing a level of wisdom the world SO desperately needs (the world cries out for it, like a child in the dark of night), and revealing how vast the potential of the human soul.
This writing and wisdom (in your “Notes and Reflections”) is just breathlessly stunning: “A conscious celebration of the sacred feminine and of its rising again into collective consciousness, in balance with the sacred masculine, is medicine for our times. It is an antidote to the dispair and paralysis and numbing of what can feel like such overbearing news from climate disruption to mass human migration and endless war and petty power plays by wounded insecure men….” —— Oh my word! If I’ve never told you, YOU, dear friend, are a living, walking, breathing miracle and an unbridled genius. I really mean that. I do not say that tritely or lightly. There is, without doubt, absolute brilliance coursing through you, compelling you. You are SO seen and appreciated and loved. You not only smile upon the magic and wonders of Nature, but all of Nature, from the tiniest flower to the most distant star….shine and smile upon you. IT is ALL in Love with you. I too know this feeling of being “in Love with” and “Loved by”. Ahhh….sigh…were all the world to know this….I truly feel that peace and awe and wonder would abound. We humans would be worthy of the name “Humanity”….Humane.
I promised myself I would not make this too long this time, but I bow to you, dear, dear Larry, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude. Your friend, Roby