For the Sake of a Worldview…
For the sake of a Worldview one man beats his wife giving her what he feeds himself inside and another man whistles as he walks to work. For the sake…
For the sake of a Worldview one man beats his wife giving her what he feeds himself inside and another man whistles as he walks to work. For the sake…
It is the mystery at the intersection between the world as it is, and our perception or experience of it, that particularly fascinates me. The powerful dynamics in play here…
I hiked in the beautiful spring weather today with my younger brother, Joe. We went a gentle ways up a small and relatively unknown local canyon with spring-melt runoff rushing…
I love the presence of synchronicity in my life, that simultaneous rising to the surface of seemingly unrelated Life threads; their disparate occurance such that the interweaving of Life seems…
Men are beginning to understand that doing housework…unprompted goes a long way to creating marital happiness…Intimacy is not just for the bedroom, in other words. Foreplay can begin with a…
“I don’t know how to play,” the man said to me. The statement carried a certain intimacy simply because the man speaking is one of my brothers.Boy in Fountain
Mythologist Joseph Campbell’s admonition to, “Follow your bliss,” would have been heard as a promotion of hedonism in our fundamentalist childhood home.
What does it take to be loyal to our deepest joy? our greatest passion? In the face of other’s disbelief in us, how do we hold the ‘fire in our…