Oh, Hello Death!
Composting What Is I do not yet know what it is to say “Yes!” to Life given recent news of some unknown cancer they say is at play in this…
Composting What Is I do not yet know what it is to say “Yes!” to Life given recent news of some unknown cancer they say is at play in this…
Don’t let them win over your soul convert you to victim-hood or domination for then the abuse you suffer at their hands and from the hunger of their wounded hearts…
I go to the mountains to pray from within the one rooted oneness of the Aspen Body and from the temple where singing waters emerge Born gurgling out from under…
Perceiving the war in Ukraine and our world crisis through a lens of fire…
I have an affinity for the unseen natures of our world. Things like tree roots surfacing briefly catch my attention for how it is they navigate like serpents of the…
Dare I plead to the godsno more life transforming giftsenough is enoughPlease! For where might such a protective plea leave meand just because I cannot from here knowwho I will…
I woke this morning. Didn’t have to be this way. How easy to take such and walk away without notice Like this breath And this one too Each a gift…