Stopping Mind
Allowing raw experience, unfiltered by civilization’s symbolic representations into our nervous system, is a deeply healing experience. It takes us back, not only reconnecting us with our personal fetal development, but reconnects us too with the eons of primal human development. Being in such presence nourishes us in this NOW , in this womb of being, in this deep silence out of which we arise and return to.
The world is recreated anew there.
Meditation is useful for this, as is simply sitting, ecstatic dance, trance dance, walking, knitting for some, drumming, rattling, classical music for others perhaps. Some walk into buildings and pray for revelation. The technologies of the sacred are many and only the small man in me judges the practices of others.
Being in the presence of the wild, being in nature is what works best for me. That is where my wild resilience is most easily renewed and re-membered. That is where I most easily know the mystery that I am; indeed, that we each are woven of.
It is a good thing to know, this knowledge of where and how to find one’s self—again.
11/11/2008 at 3:34 pmThanks for the reminder. That’s how I’ll get out of my recent addiction to all things political, I’ll take a hike.