ReWilding the Self -3
Rewilding one’s self is coming to know one’s own body as the Earth’s body, and to again identify Earth as one’s own body as well. It is to again become indigenuous the cosmos, the Earth, and to the place of your local living.
Rewilding one’s self is coming to know one’s own body as the Earth’s body, and to again identify Earth as one’s own body as well. It is to again become indigenuous the cosmos, the Earth, and to the place of your local living.
The essential movement of rewilding the self is the turning toward Life, what I have come to call biotropism. This is no small feat of orienteering…
The nails of my fingers
leave claw marks
in the soil of life
from my clinging on
to what is familiar
and comfortable and no longer
serves that which is awakening
I am at last becoming the merry fool who knows nothing… and knows so.
The Heart and Science of Resiliency in Turbulent Times… workshop was enthusiastically received…
Thus it is I live more wholly in the un-knowing of an open mind and an open heart, for surely their gentleness and their wild resilience is like that of water, saying “Yes!” to all it encounters. Imagine a world where corporate and national sustainability policies were informed by the wild intelligence and un-knowing of water!
Stillness, listening to the deep silence, is one portal into the realization of this reciprocal nature of our being. It is an exit ramp out of the noise of confusion….