ReWilding the Self -3
Rewilding one’s self is coming to know one’s own body as the Earth’s body, and to again identify Earth as one’s own body as well. It is to again become indigenuous the cosmos, the Earth, and to the place of your local living.
Rewilding one’s self is coming to know one’s own body as the Earth’s body, and to again identify Earth as one’s own body as well. It is to again become indigenuous the cosmos, the Earth, and to the place of your local living.
…grounded in the reality of Life’s reciprocity and its consequent preference for strategies of mutualism. Mutualism is an evolutionary symbiotic strategy of wellness, hardiness and wholeness that can incorporate both competitive and cooperative hinging between species and individuals, resulting in ‘mutual benefit.’
When the night wind makes the pine trees creak
And the pale clouds glide across the dark sky,
Go out, my child, go out and seek
Your soul: the eternal I.
This Self seeking birth is, I believe, the experience and knowledge of our Wholeness. We are not separate. We belong. To gift our selves with such love as this? This is the most radical political act any of us can commit!
…research shows the value of social connectivity. Is it not naive to assume such social connectivity to the other than human world is any less vital to our well being and resiliency?
“…Google search for soul medicine for our time. First hit up is tweetmeme, which is a compendium of the “hottest links on twitter”… That means it’s started to go viral.”
The theme this year for both events is, Aspen’s Ancient Wisdom: An Inquiry Into The Heart of Resiliency. We’ll weave a provocative and inspiring poetic tapestry in both events, speaking the languages of poetry, ecology, biology, resiliency science, psychology, mythology and just a dash of quantum physics for spice.