The Wild Resilience of Jane Goodall

The Old Wisdom by Jane Goodall
When the night wind makes the pine trees creak
And the pale clouds glide across the dark sky,
Go out, my child, go out and seek
Your soul: the eternal I.
For all the grasses rustling at your feet
And every flaming star that glitters high
Above you, close up and meet
In you: the Eternal I.
Yes, my child, go out into the world; walk slow
And silent, comprehending all, and by and by
Your soul, the Universe, will know
Itself: the Eternal I.
I have often written here on the question of, “How large can we allow ours self to be?” Jane Goodall captures this question and her wildly resilient answer to it in this lovely poem.
You can listen to her read it in the context of a provocative interview with Bill Moyers here:
I’m reminded also of this quote from John Seed.

Once we have …”fallen in love outwards,” once we have experienced the fierce joy of life that attends extending our identity into nature, once we realize that the nature within and the nature without are continuous, then we too may share and manifest the exquisite beauty and effortless grace associated with the natural world.

Also see an article on Jane here, as well as numerous interesting links to more Chimpanzee links: “My job is to give people hope,” in the Guardian.

1 Comment

  1. Jan kays

    11/28/2009 at 5:26 am

    Thank you, Jane, for the gift you have given us in opening our eyes to the beauty around us,
    I listened tonight to your interview with Bill Moyers. The Eternal I, touched a place in myself. I guess it is that place where it feels like we have always known this truth but maybe just forgotten it. I agree it feels like we are approaching a spiritual evolution.
    As you spoke I was reminded of Joseph Campbell and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Thank you for reminding me of those spiritual insights.
    We are all more connected than we can image.

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