Well have you…?

Took a hike today and there I was
on the trail talking with myself in privacy of soul and spirit
Oh here you go again Larry
with another of your “Have you…” poems…
But truly
have you even smelled the air today
Said “Thank you” to the lichen
for eating rock and making soil
without which you will never fill your belly
Have your feet even touched Earth
or are you too busy walking
making lists and living inside your head
Surly you’ll pause and talk with the trees
share your prayers of gratitude
for their breathing out — what you breathe in

And Oh… you spring wildflowers
how your beauty awakens my heart
and you blossoming cacti and yuccas too
Oh what would I ever do
were you not to teach and remind me
of the need to hold healthy boundaries
around my own uniqueness and beauty of being
Come to think of it
have I yet even taken time
to simply hold myself in love today?
Well have you?
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