Everything is Connected to the Whole!
Everything is Connected to the Whole! is the fifth Wild Resiliency Assertion. The phenomenon of non-locality is one of the cutting edge research arenas of quantum physics: how it is…
Everything is Connected to the Whole! is the fifth Wild Resiliency Assertion. The phenomenon of non-locality is one of the cutting edge research arenas of quantum physics: how it is…
I have long been an admirer of Wendell Berry, so when I stumbled into the below post on The Briarpatch Network, I was twice delighted; once by the re-encounter of…
“I don’t know how to play,” the man said to me. The statement carried a certain intimacy simply because the man speaking is one of my brothers.Boy in Fountain
Mythologist Joseph Campbell’s admonition to, “Follow your bliss,” would have been heard as a promotion of hedonism in our fundamentalist childhood home.
What does it take to be loyal to our deepest joy? our greatest passion? In the face of other’s disbelief in us, how do we hold the ‘fire in our…
My friend Marc Choyt, The Circle Manifesto blog, recently posted a question to my first Varieties of Resilience post, The Resiliency of a Victim, asking what the keystone of my…
Rumi captures this distinction I often point to, between domesticated resilience and wild resiliency, precisely. There are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired, as a child in school memorizes facts…
There must be as many varieties of resilience as there needs for it: excuses for not changing, hungers for thriving, and invitations for transformation, evolutionary calls for mutation and development…….