Coming Home—from Grand Canyon Rafting
When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that’s wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that’s love. Between these two my life turns….
When I look inside and see that I am nothing, that’s wisdom. When I look outside and see that I am everything, that’s love. Between these two my life turns….
My friend Mark tells me he does not understand why I’m off for eighteen days of rafting in the Grand Canyon. “You could be in the mountains here,” he says….
This post has two purposes: The first here is to let readers know that videos and slides of invited presenters are now posted on the Resilience 2011 Program web page….
when all of right mind are asleep
and Awareness and Presence and Silence
wonder through and among tall ancient forest trees
and stalk bedrooms across the lands
like a divine trinity
whispering secrets to whoever will listen
sprinkling the magic of Awe into the eyes of children
Perhaps it is we who are the Noahs we have been waiting for. And the Ark capable of carrying us into that future is the developmental transformation of our consciousness.
there is a presence in the beating of your own heart
a primal drum calling you home
like a rain drop returning to the sea.
human activity has expanded to such a degree as to now constitute a global, interdependent society that shapes the biosphere at multiple temporal and spatial scales as reflected by climate change, vulnerability in global economic and financial systems and resource degradation across the globe. How can prosperous societal development paths be stimulated in light of these challenges?