Feeling a bit lost these days?

Flat Earth Map By Orlando Ferguson, 1893
Feeling a bit lost these days? Maybe we need some new maps!
We invite you to join us in our next upcoming call as we continue digitally, imaginatively and physically touching Nature as informing resource and power for sustaining and renewing ourselves in these challenging times. While we’d prefer to actually be together in the woods, these calls are a lovely building of community during the pandemic. And for those of you who’ve told us you’ve wanted to join but haven’t had the chance (or forgot that morning), we hope to see you this Sunday!
“We’re calling this month’s gathering “feeling lost, finding our way.” In this time of Covid-19, even though many of us are sheltering in place with others, most of us have moments (or maybe even days) when we feel disconnected, lonely or lost. For me, feeling lost makes me feel separate from both my loved ones and mother earth, often unable to find my way back right away. Over the years I’ve found that sitting outside and opening up my senses helps me feel more grounded, less unmoored.” (CS-L)
Cheryl Slover-Linett and I invite you to join us as we share this and other practices in nature for reconnecting to oneself and reconnecting with the earth, to help us feel less lost, less alone and more oriented toward what we love.
Here are the Zoom call details:
When: Sunday, May 17, 11am-noon MT, with an extra half hour from 12:00-12:30 for anyone who wants to stay on and connect more
Where: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6205072581
Who: lovely humans and the occasional cat or dog
Why: it’s an hour where you can feel good, live from your heart and return to your day refreshed and with joy
Since it looks like the pandemic will be with us for a while, we’ll be offering Nature on Zoom calls for at least the next few months. Future dates will use the same Zoom link and be at 11am MT (we’ll share specifics on topics to be covered each month as it gets closer):
- Sunday, June 14
- Sunday, July 5 (we know this is a holiday weekend but are guessing that not many of us will be traveling by then…and could use a heartfelt check-in to celebrate with friends)
- As the calls continue, we expect to be hosting various exciting guests such as our dear friends and colleagues, Robin Easton and Emmanuel Karisa Baya. And more!
With virtual hugs to each and all…
Cheryl + Larry
I confess
I threw away the map
Imagine if you will…
No, please, truly try this
Imagine a species believing itself to be the pinnacle of evolution
What could possibly drive such a need
Some sense of insecurity or inferiority perhaps…
From where or how might such an infection arise anyway
And from whence might healing arise
Just some small questions for those who love maps
Yet seek a new cartography of being
And possibility
— Larry Glover
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