"Now we all have faith and hope together."
“I am having some challenges at the centre community since the time was announced that people should not going out and most people have remained in their home but now they have eaten what they had and now things are getting little worse and it will be worse if it will continue. Today some of the community have asked me if it’s possible I give them little food. I told them I don’t have my own food. They asked if I can share the food we have for the children. I said it is a challenge but they said we don’t want it all but a small bit for the people who don’t have food… I told them its ok. I gave them small food as i could not refuse. They went back but I was so moved at the same time not knowing what to do next…… this problem of the virus… it is everywhere. There is nowhere to run.”
Funds were gifted and Emanuel purchased seed which was then given to community members so they can begin growing more food of their own. “Now we all faith and hope together,” he says, acknowledging the crops growing in the Centre’s fields. “Hungry people can be angry people,” he also explains.
The challenges are great at the Centre, as indeed it seems everywhere these days. However if your heart has the capacity to witness the beauty of this creative response to the local community needs, you will find it inspiring. And the needs can feel overwhelming… which you will also witness in this April 19th call as the group struggles in conversation for response to Emmanuel’s sharing.
Please Note (updated 5/2/20): Recent generous financial support has poured in from Friends in Germany, Canada and the US, totally something in the range of $5,000! This both covers anticipated food needs for the children ($2000) ‘during the Summer pre-harvest’ “hunger times” of July-August, and provides seed funds for new classroom construction. This construction work provides income and thus additional resources within the community as well.
The Centre is still in need of approximately $25,000 to complete the government required new classrooms. Sharing of your financial resources now will both help build new classrooms and provide desperately needed income for local families.
To stay informed of what’s currently happening at the Centre… to allow your heart to be in-formed and to witness the beauty of a vision of people living in community with the soil and all of nature… join us on the upcoming call this Sunday.
Meeting ID: 854 1503 3438

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