The Science and Varieties of Gratitude
To receive gratitude into one’s life in this way is not, from my perspective, not so much ‘giving’ gratitude as it is a courageous willingness to perceive life from a spirit of ‘thankfulness’, no matter what.
To receive gratitude into one’s life in this way is not, from my perspective, not so much ‘giving’ gratitude as it is a courageous willingness to perceive life from a spirit of ‘thankfulness’, no matter what.
…in meditative brevity he provocatively invites us to consider and witness what it is to be human, fully and wholly human, absent the wall of separation from Life. He is playing with our identity, with our awareness of what it means to be human. He would have us remember our wholeness, to live into its unanswerable mystery.
“Connection is why we are here. It is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives…. blame is a way to discharge pain and discomfort…”
…there’s a world of renewal just outside your door, and a host of plants and animals available to help you find your way back to your peace, your joy, your roots.
In this terrible crisis of the Deepwater oil gusher is the telling of a story of war against our very selves that is collapsing in upon itself. This story mirrors to us the many ways our lives, life styles and very identities are currently configured for self-destruction.
Mirrored to us as well is yet an older story: Life’s invitation to itself once again to experience a transformation of identity. This is the path of the upward spiral of resilience. And it is ours personally to claim as birthright—as we each hear the awakening within.
So say, “Yes!” to Life. Within this affirmation is the awakening power of our transformation.
Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly,
kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably…
Yes, this rewilding of the self requires the unflinching courage to open our eyes and hearts to what is. This is the time we live in. And it is the time of our awakening; the time for offering our gifts to the world,