Passing the Guardians at the Gate—Becoming Indigenous Again!
By what authority do you breathe and live?” The voice demands answers of me. “How dare you bathe so freely in the waters of life drinking even at the spring’s…
By what authority do you breathe and live?” The voice demands answers of me. “How dare you bathe so freely in the waters of life drinking even at the spring’s…
On this Memorial Day weekend, ReWild your Self! Be a memorial to your own innate wholeness and to the Earth. Choose to listen to the song of your own plasticina. Notice where you place your attention, and how you attend to your own self-care. Love yourself. It is the most radical political and spiritual act of our time.
It is by understanding both the positive and negative effects of (neuro)plasticity that we can truly understand the extent of human possibilities.
The nails of my fingers
leave claw marks
in the soil of life
from my clinging on
to what is familiar
and comfortable and no longer
serves that which is awakening
…part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people’s priorities. The questions raised: In a common-place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?
“The idea here is to give people a new vocabulary, to speak in terms of resilience. Most people who experience trauma don’t end up with P.T.S.D.; many experience post-traumatic growth.”… Perhaps the biggest question — can an organization that has long suppressed talk of emotions now open up?
More and more I have come to admire resilience.
Not the simple resistance of a pillow