“Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!”
The title quote is a friend’s recent text to me, after learning of the latest good news resulting from a PET scan a few days ago. Yes. The test results…
The title quote is a friend’s recent text to me, after learning of the latest good news resulting from a PET scan a few days ago. Yes. The test results…
It’s been a big and rough week for Dotty and I. Last Sunday we traveled to MD Anderson Cancer Clinic for a PET scan and to meet with the oncologist…
Standing at the Creative Center What would it be like allowing the world to be as it is and you as you are To see deeply into the nature of…
Woke in the night to the ancient voices of denigration and unworthiness to never-can and never-will be enough for the self-love of relaxing into “just as I am.” Caught the…
“There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon.” — Bashō Matsuo, Zen poet 1644-1694 Allowing one’s…
I saw the most wondrous thing today! A Tree—a grand and ancient Oak actuallyher long gangling arms reach skywardgnarly roots stretch out all around underfoottogether weaving a holographic tapestry of…
Tell me, have you ever walked into a nightmare twice? The second time of your own choosing? I intend to ask not what you might think. What I want to…