Sharing from the spirals of my death walk

Sharing from the spirals of my death walk

Spirit Eyes

Born into this world I am
through the one womb that gives birth
to both Life and Death

To say "Yes!" with my heart's wholeness to one
is to equally embrace the other as well
for the two are One

The Wholeness of Nature
teaches me this
and so she is my healer and lover too

There is so much I wish to share with you yet brevity is sought for this post. So first, I desire to acknowledge my gratitude for all the loving support and care that is flowing into my life, dear friends. As noted in my previous post, learning to allow, fully allow love in, is a primary theme in my life.

“The Hitchhiker,” as I reference the recent stage 4 lung cancer with left hip and femur metastases diagnosis provides me with the spiritual challenge and gift —to live intimately with this love-theme every day. For by not treating the cancer as an invasion of my system by outside hostile forces, I choose to hold in within the sacred circle of Oneness. I thus explore it as a messenger of Spirit. And this messenger is clearly opening a portal into the deeper realms of my living, exposing unresolved griefs, all of which can frankly be viewed and explored through soulful inquiries into my fear-and-desire relationship with love.

So yes, the path for me here is to treat the Hitchhiker as an ally, an inevitably “terminal disease,” according to my oncologist. I am so grateful that I first encountered the idea of making an ally of Death, back in the mid-1970’s, through encountering the now controversial books of Carlos Castaneda. I took to the concept immediately, however, as a portal into increasing personal power and thus stepping out of the collective hypnosis of walking down an already clear path into mutual self-destruction.

I wanted out of the maddenss! I craved to claim authorship of an authentic and passionately lived life.

The beauty of this hunger is it leads me into an awareness that in consciously walking the spiral of Death, I am paradoxically also walking the the spiral of Life. For learning to come into Nature as teacher, healer and lover teaches me that the two are one: each springs from the womb of the other. These are the yin and yang aspects of life, akin to the two serpents image wherein each is eating the tail of the other. Both images reveal the embeddedness of any polarity already seeded within the other.

I will share as much of this intimate journey as possible with you dear ones, for I desire to integrate and compost and share in these love lessons that come to me as the veils between the world continue to thin. Know that I cannot begin to keep up with all the beautiful personal messages coming to me. I cherish each and all of them… and you, dear loved ones.

Stay tuned for the release of my book, Forbidden Fruit Revelations, (first draft is now with the editor) where I explore all this in detail and vulnerability, and with an old story told anew of what this being human is for me at this crucial time on the planet.

I am a man
blessed with many identities
my skin colors reflect rainbows
my textures gifts of Earth's landscapes

Eagle, Owl and Mouse
use these eyes as needed
and my ears are those of leaves
and deer while fish and birds

teach me to take notice
of the invisibles I swim and fly within
but for hiding I find rocks to be superb
and old tree snags too

So yes, that old fire scared tree stump
the one wearing a hat
yeah that's me too

Here's a link to the CaringBridge site if you'd like to stay more informed of the medical progress and details. Still trying to figure out the ole communications challenge! Be well and stay wild, dear ones, Mother Earth is!

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