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Aspen body

Self-Love: A Radical Political Act

This Self seeking birth is, I believe, the experience and knowledge of our Wholeness. We are not separate. We belong. To gift our selves with such love as this? This is the most radical political or spiritual act any of us can commit!

A Celebration of the Self: Wild Resiliency!

The concept of wild resiliency, and consequently of Aspen-Body Wisdom, represent for me the convergence of multiple and diverse professional lives. Two threads woven throughout the tapestry of my heart’s…

Beyond the Evil of Our Times

Don’t let them win over your soul convert you to victim-hood or domination for then the abuse you suffer at their hands and from the hunger of their wounded hearts…

When Spring come to the soul

Oh to be erotically alive in this world!
What joys and sorrows are sure to visit
and to be willing to let each in
to so receive the embrace
of unspeakable beauty and wonder and heart break

How many selfs make a Self?

I have become,
much to my chagrin,
a lover of questions
and now I am indeed confused
for I wonder,
What is the self?

Holding What is Most Sacred—Together

Oh gosh, it can be so hard this touching this remembering the wonder and mystery not just of our innate worthiness but daily breathing in and out the magic of…