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intelligence in nature

Holding What is Most Sacred—Together

Oh gosh, it can be so hard this touching this remembering the wonder and mystery not just of our innate worthiness but daily breathing in and out the magic of…

How do you like to make love?

Oh my soul How I do love you Yet at times too it seems I am such a novice Learning yet how to even court How to hold you close…

Becoming Man

Until a man has hung suspended by the North Star naked and upside down then buried and eaten by worms and been born again into milkweed and monarch into wild…

My Awakening Eyes

MY AWAKENING EYES I. I walked out the door of the house this morningand in my face just like thatthere was the whole gosh darn universeinhaling with a great hunger…

I saw the most wondrous thing today!

I saw the most wondrous thing today! A Tree—a grand and ancient Oak actuallyher long gangling arms reach skywardgnarly roots stretch out all around underfoottogether weaving a holographic tapestry of…