Hello Luna

Full Moon in Clouds

Hello Luna
My full and precious friend
I come again in gratitude and love
With prayers of the heart crying out
That you might once more
Illuminate the longings of my life
For I need a starting-over place
And Sun’s bright illumination and familiarity
Seduce me away
From looking and inquiring
Into serpent eyes alleyways and less traveled
Shadow realms of my living
Where lives what is shy unseen and unknown
The wombs of incubation
For seeing self and world differently
And what I fear to look upon too

So help me please oh Luna
To see where I am
Amidst the darkness of these times
When the world is falling apart and yet
Opening too like a vulnerable wildflower seed
Now naked of clothing husk and illusion
Awakening within a dark moist primal humus
Craving the promises of partnership and blossoming
Amidst a world in which tomorrow will not look like today
And in this quaking beneath my feet
I yearn to perceive and know and own
How and where I stand
What is mine to be
And mine to do

And so I too
Yearn to nurture and grow
Loyalty to the raw truth of what is
And the courageous willingness to dream lucidly
Into embodied living a dynamic dancing
At the fiery edges of chaos and balance
Honoring and celebrating the Lunar and Solar mysteries of the world
The feminine and masculine threads in this heart of mine
Weaving the likes of our sorrows and joys and griefs and smiles into wholeness

Oh dear Luna help me let go
Of what does not or no longer serves
So I can grow
Roots exploring wandering and sustaining
Deep into Mother’s fertile soil underfoot
Within too this Earth I wear as body
And spread branches of gratitude and wonder and curiosity
Drawn like a lover
Enchanted by a negligee of mist and clouds above
To the sacred chamber where Light and Darkness
Intimately entwine as One within my being
Reflecting the unspeakable marvels and lessons
Of Birth Death and Rebirth forever anew once more

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