Resiliency: Perfectionism vs. Excellence Revisited
I start feeling like I haven’t taken a bath or brushed and flossed my teeth or had a good meal or a restful night of sleep… if I stay away…
I start feeling like I haven’t taken a bath or brushed and flossed my teeth or had a good meal or a restful night of sleep… if I stay away…
Many a self I have known and been. Some were friendly or even loving to me and some downright hostile, and some too, indifferent perhaps but present just the same….
It is told that Buddha, going out to look on life, was greatly daunted by death. “They all eat one another!”, he cried, and called it evil. This process I…
I once walked into the woods to die or to come out a different man haunted by a worldview of separation and carrying 5 days of food and a lifetime…
For the sake of a Worldview one man beats his wife giving her what he feeds himself inside and another man whistles as he walks to work. For the sake…
Now, there are more worldviews to choose from than there are Barbie Dolls. I’ve been writing on them (worldviews) of late just because I’m so fascinated about how it is…
Embedded within the challenges of our times are crisis and opportunities—galore. It strikes me that the spirit of the innate wild resiliency within us is to focus on and to…