Spinning the Magic of Communion
I took a walk today wandering game trails faintly worn traveling deep into the forest where beings of ancient ages live centuries old some others—uncounted thousands I do pause at…
I took a walk today wandering game trails faintly worn traveling deep into the forest where beings of ancient ages live centuries old some others—uncounted thousands I do pause at…
Pardon me, but perhaps you can help? You see, I have become, much to my chagrin, a lover of questions and now I am indeed confused for I wonder, What…
“God! Why am I here? Please! Just tell me. Show me! God! H-e-l-p m-e! Please! Why am I here?” The pleading scream erupted out of the deep high mountain stillness…
I recently shared a resource link to the Rockefeller Institute’s Resilience: A Literature Review. An excellent response to that review, titled The Missing Link: The Biology of Human Resilience, is posted…
If you want to hear a tree talk
to hear it tell of its story
you have to be willing
And that letting go of all one knows
honoring the willingness and courage
to not know — to at last not name and define
to cease reading the maps drawn by those
who live under the spell of answers and knowing
and trust at last…
…research shows the value of social connectivity. Is it not naive to assume such social connectivity to the other than human world is any less vital to our well being and resiliency?