What People Say
Here is a sampling of the rewards that come from over twenty years of connecting people from across the planet more deeply to themselves through intimate experiences in the wilds lying just outside our doors!

18 Clients From 12 Countries — 2009
“Thanks for a challenging and growth filled wilderness weekend. Your guidance, encouragement, and words of wisdom gave me the courage I needed to enter the experience. I learned many lessons for life and more will unfold as I continue to process the weekend. It’s an adventure I won’t forget.” — Rosemary

We love our beautiful clients!
“Your sensitivity and reverence for the environment and our relation to it is so impressive. You led us into a deeply moving and spiritual experience. I will always be thankful and will continue learning from the team and the wilderness experience.” — Rosie
“I’m grateful for the opportunity you offered us this past weekend. In particular I’m grateful for the ‘presence’ you and Dotty and Susan each carry. Your wisdom and insight was a great gift. The poetry you shared was inspiring and for the focused attention you offered each of us—a gift.” — Ron

Just me and nature for 24 hours!
“Thoreau said, “Only that day dawns to which we are awake.” The wilderness weekend helped me become “awake” and mindful to all that is facing me. I give you thanks!” — David
“It was a memorable weekend you led us through. On reflection for me I think it is yourself that I found (next to myself – smile) the most interesting; thanks for sharing your gifts and insights that bespeak of your own development. Poetry is a freeing way for all. Best wishes for a satisfying book.” — Damien
“It wasn’t just an adventure—it was a Retreat! Thank you for teaching me reverence for nature, breath, and people.” — Mike

I love nature! (First-time camper)
“Thank you for your willingness, time, energy and insights for making our outing such a wonderful experience.” — Charlie
“Thank you for organizing and guiding us through a peak experience for ourselves personally and for introducing us to nature.” — Jerry
“I really value your personal conviction and sharing of life’s processes and experience and the hopefulness contained in them. Thank you.” — Rose
“How grateful I am to you for opening my being to truly see and experience the preciousness of each present moment. I so admire your patience, your gentleness, your alertness, your contemplative stance before all God’s creation. Thanks so much.” — Julie

Horned Toad Camp Visitor
“Today I was revisiting my wilderness journal and solo notes and thought I’d drop a line to say how much that weekend has changed my vision on life and myself — even with all the wind! So thanks….” — Bernie
“The marks of wildness are love of nature, especially its silence, a voice box free to say spontaneous things, an exuberance, a love of “the edge,” …the wild man is not mad like a criminal or mad like a psychotic, but “Mad as the mist and snow.”” — Robert Bly, The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart